Sedohr Clothing is Passionate about the Environment
Sedohr clothing company draws its passion and inspiration from extreme sports, monster themes, and art. What you may not know is Sedohr is passionate about the environment and being a part of change. We are no Leonardo DiCaprios, but we have a commonality that is our deep concern for animals and our world. At Sedohr we try to give back as well as try to bring awareness to different charities like saving the bees, cleaning up our beaches, preserving our rain forests, as well as the animals that live in it, local animal shelters, and keeping our oceans clean. Each year Sedohr will create a shirt supporting a charity we choose. A percentage of each shirt sold will be donated to that charity. This website will also have its own page dedicated to all of this so you can read up our focus charity and shine a light on what we care about. It’s a small way of connecting us together to make this world a better place to live.